ACROSS is a biannual, peer-reviewed online journal which publishes original research in the fields covered by the Cross-border Faculty of Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, Romania: Philology and Communication Studies, Law, Economics, Physical Education and Sports, International Relations and European Studies, Engineering, Food Engineering, Environmental Science. Exploring themes of cultural diversity and interdisciplinarity, the journal welcomes contributions with a potential for enhancing the global, multicultural dialogue in the ever-changing world of the twenty-first century.

ACROSS promotes research excellence. We are certain that your expertise will help us build a space of imparting knowledge in the field of multiculturalism and multilingualism across the world.

ISSN 2602-1463

Subject areas include:

Cultural Studies
History and civilisation 
Multiculturalism and Multilingualism
Literary Studies
Ideology and Politics
Communication and Media Studies
Law and Economics
Physical Education

The papers, either submitted through the journal system or previously presented in our conferences, are published in thematic fascicles.

ACROSS does not charge any fees for publication. Languages of publication: English, French and Romanian.

Authors preserve their rights on their work and may distribute it freely or reprint (with acknowledgements).


Peer review 

All research papers, whether presented during our conferences or submitted to the editors, are subject to a blind peer-review process. Following review, a paper may be: a) considered as complying with the academic exigencies, and therefore accepted; b) accepted on condition that certain improvements are made in due time, c) rejected.

If plagiarism is detected, the paper will be rejected without further notice. Following peer-review, all the accepted papers are checked with the anti-plagiarism software licensed to Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, Romania by

The contributors are solely responsible for the scientific accuracy of their research papers.

ACROSS is published online under the aegis of Galati University Press (GUP) 


ACROSS uses the Chicago Manual of Style (author-date style). Please refer to the guide before submitting your paper. Please use this template when submitting your paperScope and Aims

  1. This multidisciplinary journal welcomes original research articles, review essays, and case studies across a wide range of academic fields, including but not limited to the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and applied disciplines. The journal aims to foster scholarly dialogue and disseminate high-quality research to both academic and professional audiences.
  2. Submission Process
    Manuscripts should be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx) via [submission email or online portal – to be specified]. Authors must ensure that their manuscript is anonymized for double-blind peer review. Submissions must not be under consideration by any other publication at the time of submission.
  3. Manuscript Preparation
  4. Language and Style
    Submissions must be written in clear, formal academic English. Either British or American spelling may be used, but consistency must be maintained throughout the manuscript. Authors are encouraged to adopt an inclusive and non-discriminatory tone.
  5. Formatting Requirements
  • Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt
  • Line spacing: 1
  • Margins: 2.5 cm (1 inch) on all sides
  • Page numbers: bottom right
  • Paragraphs: Indent first line; avoid extra spacing between paragraphs


  • Manuscript Structure
  • Title
  • Author name(s), affiliation(s), and contact information (submitted in a separate file to preserve anonymity)
  • Abstract (150–250 words)
  • 4–6 Keywords
  • Main Text (divided into appropriate sections and subsections)
  • Acknowledgements (if applicable)
  • References (see Section 5)
  • Appendices (if applicable)
  1. Length
    Research articles should be between 3,500 and 10,000 words, including references and footnotes. Shorter contributions such as reviews or research notes may be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  2. Peer Review Process
    All submissions undergo a double-blind peer review process. Manuscripts are first evaluated by the editorial board and then sent to two independent reviewers who are experts in the relevant field. Authors will receive a decision based on the reviewers' evaluations: accept, revise, or reject. The typical review process takes 6–8 weeks.
  3. Referencing Style
    The journal follows the Chicago Manual of Style, Author-Date System. Authors must ensure that all citations and references conform strictly to this style. Below are examples:

In-text citation:
(Smith 2020, 45)

Reference list entries:
Smith, John. 2020. The Dynamics of Social Change. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Doe, Jane. 2018. "Urban Transformation and Mobility." Journal of Urban Studies 35 (3): 210–230.

  1. Figures, Tables, and Illustrations
    All figures and tables must be embedded within the manuscript and clearly labelled (e.g., Figure 1, Table 1). Each must include a descriptive caption. Images must be high-resolution (minimum 300 dpi) and authors must obtain permission for any copyrighted material.
  2. Ethics and Responsibilities
  • Submissions must be original and not previously published.
  • Authors are responsible for the accuracy of all information and references.
  • Any conflicts of interest must be disclosed.
  • Research involving human subjects must comply with ethical standards and indicate approval from a relevant ethics board, where applicable.
  1. Copyright and Licensing
    Accepted articles will be published under a Creative Commons license. Authors retain the right to deposit their articles in institutional repositories.
  2. Publication Model
    The journal follows an online-first publication model. Articles are published online throughout the year upon acceptance and final editing. A printed annual fascicle compiles all articles published online during the respective calendar year.
  3. Contact Information
    For all inquiries and submissions, please contact the editorial office at: